Your personality type will then form the basis of an entire eating plan - beginning right from when you subscribe. (Note that you can redo the survey at any time). The meal plans are good... quite do-able - they even include some fast food options as well.

Sample Meal Plan - Remember this diet is completely tailored to your personality type AND other factors like weight and age. This sample is not necessarily how many calories you might consume - but gives you an example of the kind of food (and recipes) available.


Waffles, Bacon & Fruit

2 whole grain toaster style waffles
2 tbsp reduced-calorie syrup
2 tsp light margarine

2 slices turkey bacon

1 small banana or ½ large

8 oz water

348 calories

On the Go: Wendy's

Wendy’s Grilled Chicken Sandwich

1 small diet soda

1 small peach (pack with you)

16 oz water

338 calories

Salmon & Roasted Veggies

6 oz baked salmon with fresh squeezed lemon and chopped dill

Squeeze ½ lemon over salmon and sprinkle with fresh dill. Cook salmon in aluminum foil at 350 degrees until fish flakes easily with a fork, about 15 minutes.

Roasted Veggies:
Spray a baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. Place 5 spears of asparagus, 1 sliced yellow squash & 1 minced garlic clove in the dish and drizzle with 1 tsp olive oil. Bake with salmon, putting veggies in first for about 25-30 minutes or until easily pierced with a knife.

16 oz water

431 calories

10 baby carrots
½ red bell pepper, sliced
2 celery stalks

4 tbsp hummus

3 Ry-Krisp crackers

8 oz water

260 calories

1 cinnamon graham cracker sheet spread with 1 tbsp light cream cheese & topped with ½ C sliced strawberries

8 oz water

88 calories


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