Despite widespread belief, constipation is not necessarily a part of growing older.
Bowel habits are similar in both younger and older healthy people.
Constipation is defined as stools that are:
Too small
Too hard
Too difficult to pass
Infrequent (less than 3 per week)
Constipation is caused by:
Not enough dietary fiber or fluids
Medication side effects
Emotional or physical stress
Misconception about normal bowel habits
Lack of activity
Medical problems
How to manage mild-to-moderate constipation:
Gradually add dietary fiber from variou sources
Increase fluids (water, soup, broth, juices)
Eat meals on a regular schedule
Chew your food well
Gradually increase daily exercise
Respond to urges to move your bowels
Avoid straining See your doctor if these measures don't work
Dietary therapy (increased fiber and fluids) and fiber supplements are the preferred treatment for chronic constipation.
In some cases, your doctor may recommend the use of stool softeners.
Use of mineral oil or stimulant laxatives regularly, consult your doctor to make sure what you are using is right for you.
Incontinence of stool or fecal soiling is most often due to leakage around a fecal impaction. Removing the impaction will usually restore continence.
Incontinence of stool in healthy older people deserves full education and treatment. Treatment options include:
Adjustment in dietary fiber to reduce amount of stool
Medications to decrease stool frequency
Prescribed use of enemas (not soap enemas)
Biofeedback training
Surgery to restore anal function


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